The Institute of DNA Science

access your highest potential

access your highest potential

Your DNA holds an innate, untapped, and boundless source of optimal health & happiness. The problem is, 98% of your DNA is locked.

At IDNAS, we run large population studies to learn how to unlock the parts of your DNA that are currently inactive, and repair the DNA that is active.

The result?

Access your highest potential. Robust health, vibrant happiness, youthful energy & longevity await.

Our Trinity Research Focus:

Unlock & Optimize DNA

  • AWAKEN 98% of your DNA isn’t actively functioning; it’s dormant. IDNAS is innovating ways to awaken & activate this DNA, which unlocks a higher, optimal state of system functioning inside to you.

  • REPAIR 100% of your existing DNA is damaged if you are 25 or older. IDNAS is developing the latest advancements in DNA repair to reverse the degenerative disease we commonly call “aging.”

  • Optimize 100% of the new cells your body generates past the age of 25 are replicated with the damaged, malfunctioning operating instructions of the old cells they replaced. IDNAS is pioneering ways to reset the operating instructions in your current cells so that new cell replication includes instructions for optimal functioning, not malfunctioning.

Who we are:

The Institute of DNA Science

Home to a core team of scholars, researchers, investigative scientists, and experts on DNA from around the globe, trained at Harvard, MIT, & Stanford.

IDNAS also hosts visiting scholars, postdoctoral fellows, and remote researchers to collaborate on a rolling basis.

The Institute of DNA Science is led by visionary DNA and cellular aging expert Dr. Linda Ellison, Harvard Doctorate and founder of kaü Health.


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